Celebrating Earth Day - 2018 (The Sisters of Mercy) ~ Alice Jordan

Prayer: Earth Day~ 


As we are called to see ourselves and each other as earthen vessels that hold God's presence and bring God's gifts to the world, so too, this very world and all that is above, around and within it are earthen vessels - just as easily shattered, just as much in need of our loving attentiveness and support. May our hands align with God's in caressing and shaping these vessels.


For trees, plants, crops, and forests. Let us pray.

For water, oceans, rivers, streams and ponds. Let us pray.

For air, wind, climate and weather. Let us pray.

For sun, clean energy and prevention of global warning. Let us pray.

For animals, especially endangered species. Let us pray.


For all humankind. Let us pray.

For recycling and moderate personal consumption. Let us pray.

For proper use of chemicals and disposal of toxic waste. Let us pray.

For Earth and unity. Let us pray.


Creator God, we thank you for all of creation. We ask your forgiveness where we have failed to be just stewards. And we now ask for your guidance in restoring the face of the earth. May we learn to live in harmony, safety and just sharing of resources among all so that we achieve the kingdom of God.


Peace be to this community. Peace be to this land. Peace be to all people. Amen.




This prayer was adapted for Earth Day 2013 by the Catholic Health Association from a novena developed by the Mercy Justice Circle in New Jersey.