Our Staff

Our Staff: 

Ken Rinehart, Spiritual Center Administrator and Technology Coordinator


Ken has years of experience of technical knowhow and how it applies to churches and spiritual centers. With a background in Public Radio, video & audio production, and digital content management he applies all these elements as he pursues his own spiritual development, and in turn helps numerous churches hone their message and get the word out through social media for those in search.



Ren Riley, Newsletter Editor 

ren.riley1@gmail.comRen photo

Ren Riley comes to UOTA from the corporate publishing world, where she worked as an editor for print and online publications. She is now a freelance editor. A former Episcopalian, she has been a student of New Thought constructs since the 1970s. She and her wife, Mailyn Faulkner, live in Evergreen, Colorado, with their dog, Skoshi, and cat, Sage.