Weeding the Garden of Our Mind

Blog by Rev Susan Gumm

I love to think about my mind as a garden, filled with beautful roses. Yet...what might be really growing in my mind?  You know, I think there might just be a few weeds to clean out...what about you?  If my mind is a garden, then I can chose I what desire to plant, cultivate, and manifest.  What do I desire to grow?  Let's expore the Law of Cause and Effect using our third Unity principle:  Human beings create their experience by the activity of their thinking. Everthing in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought. Or otherwise, our Thoughts ARE Things!  You see, the Law of Mind Action is tightly wound with the laws of cause and effect.  Ever pause to think about that?  If what wen think is what we bring forth in our experience, then are not our thoughts the cause that manifests the effect?  You see, when we plant a garden we insure that the soil is rich, and rich soil is incredibly receptive to any seeds introduced to it; flower, vegetable, or weed.  Our mind works the same way to an extent.  Our mind is also extremely receptive to whatever suggestions are dropped into it.  That is why advertising works so well. In truth, our conscious mind can discern what it wishes to weed out or retain, but our subconscious mind...well, let's just say that it will say 'yes' to anything!   Just like that rich soil that accepts any seed, so does our subconscious mind.  So we need to tend to our mind, to weed out thoughts inadvertently growing in our subconscious mind that bring forth results we do not desire in our life.  It is super scary, but we can manage the weeds.  We tend our mind by gently releasing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that no longer serve our spirital journey. We become aware of what we plant in the garden of our mind so that we can manifest the life we desire. 

In The Teachings of Buddha under the Chapter 'Causation': Because of their ignorance, all people are always thinking wrong thoughts an always losing the right viewpoint and, clinging to their egos, they take wrong actions. 


Affirmation:  My mind is illumined with the Good of God. I AM one with good and one with God.